A natural view of execution of a multi-threaded program is as follows:

exn = []
while (there is an unfinished thread) {
  t = select an unfinished thread;
  instr = first(t);
  exn := exn ++ [instr];
  t := rest(t);
return exn;

Observe that exn preserves program order of all threads. This is sequential consistency. However, there is still non-determinism on line 3. When there are shared variables, this is the source of data-races. For example, consider the following program (assume that initially x is 0):

  [STORE (x,3)],
  [STORE (x,4); PRINT (LOAD x)]

Since there is non-determinism, either of the STOREs can be executed first. Possible sequentially consistent (SC) executions are:

1. [STORE(x,3); STORE(x,4); PRINT(LOAD x)]
2. [STORE(x,4); STORE(x,3); PRINT(LOAD x)]
3. [STORE(x,4); PRINT(LOAD x); STORE(x,3)]

Notice that STORE(x,3) conflicts with STORE(x,4) and also with LOAD x, as each pair accesses same memory location, and STORE writes to the memory location. Further, notice that there exists at least one pair of SC executions, where one execution is obtained from other by just reordering an adjacent pair of conflicting operations. Hence the program has data-race. The above SC executions print 4, 3 and 4, respectively. Therefore, the set of acceptable outputs in a sequentially consistent execution (even in presence of data-races) is {3,4} (note: the set does not include 0).

Let us assume we have locks in our language. Then, the execution of a multi-threaded program can be constructed as following:

exn = []
while (there is an unfinished thread) {
  do {
    t = select an unfinished thread;
  } while (first(t) = LOCK(c) and 
           exn = exn'++ [LOCK(c)] ++ exn'' where
           UNLOCK(c) notin exn'')
  instr = first(t);
  exn := exn ++ [instr];
  t := rest(t);
return exn;

Locks help us control the amount of non-determinism in the program. For example, for the following program:

  [LOCK(c); STORE (x,3); UNLOCK(c)],
  [LOCK(c); STORE (x,4); PRINT (LOAD x); UNLOCK(c)]

Possible executions are:

1. [LOCK(c); STORE(x,3); UNLOCK(c); 
    LOCK(c); STORE(x,4); PRINT(LOAD x); UNLOCK(c)]
2. [LOCK(c); STORE(x,4); PRINT(LOAD x); UNLOCK(c); 
    LOCK(c); STORE(x,3); UNLOCK(c)]

The only acceptable output of the program now is 4. Further, there are no adjacent conflicting operations in any of the above SC executions. So, the program is DR-free.

A data-race-free model guarantees SC only for data-race-free programs. A program is DRF if and only if it is impossible to construct an SC execution with concurrent conflicting memory accesses, where one of them is a STORE. (When do we say two memory accesses are concurrent?)